Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Updating time...

So - since it's been a while I thought I'd contribute a little something to the ever growing morass that we know as the interweb...
A week or two ago I was asked to photograph actor Peter Phillips-Vass. For those of you keeping up with my photographic exploits, you'll remember that we did a location shoot a few months (ok, possibly longer...) ago. He was in the process of auditioning for Underbelly 3, and we went for a bit of a themed look to the shoot - a cross between a Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels hardman, and 'local businessman/entrepreneur'.
This time, however, following the success of his role as Benny Puta in the east Sydney crime docu-drama, he was looking for a more approachable look, so we headed into the studio for some headshots to supply to his agent. And here are a few of the results... Simple shots - a large soft box (for the lighting geeks - er, enthusiasts) just above the camera, about a stop and a half over exposed, and two skim lights with spill kill/bowls at about 10 o'clock or 2 o'clock from the subject - and both skims were also over exposed by about 2-3 stops. We fudged around with the distance of the subject from the backdrop until he was happy with an appropriate tone, and started shooting! And because the images have to represent an accurate likeness for possible acting roles, there has been very little post-production work done on them - rather like working in a newspaper again...

And speaking of updates... I'm currently revamping the website - so if you visit www.chrismckeen.com.au unfortunately you'll be landing on my 'Under Construction' holding page. Hopefully I'll have something up and viewable in the next day or three...

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